Sock of the week – Funky Socks

I found these socks through one of my random searches and let me tell you, this seller on Amazon has a TON of great socks! I could hardly decide which ones to feature for this weeks Sock of the Week. The ones I chose are a pretty awesome 6 pack for only 20.99 (2/11/2017), that’s only 3.50 per pair of socks! That’s a pretty good deal!

These socks are also on Amazon Prime, and have 4.5 stars on amazon, so they seem to be pretty good. I like the purple/blue as the other set, black/brown/navy, are a little meh. The blend in these are definitely meant for dress than play, 97% and 3% spandex, and so won’t be too breathable.

This seller also has a few other socks for right around the same price point, with two pair for 9.99 (2/11/2017) also on Prime. They have over 40 different pairs to choose from and most of them are pretty awesome!

I’ll be picking these up in a month or two when I need a few new pairs. If you have them, let me know what you think!