Sock Update: Star Wars Socks

With Star Wars Rogue One being released only a week ago, I thought another star wars sock was in order! The ones I chose were the BB-8 socks, since he’s now everyone’s favorite droid! Who doesn’t love some BB-8 action! I haven’t seen Rogue One so I’m not sure if BB-8 appears in it, but either way BB-8!!

The seller on amazon has a huge selection of Star Wars socks and I highly recommend taking a look! Looking for Chewbacca socks? They got em. Kylo Ren socks? Yep! Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, R2D2, and C3PO!! This seller has a ton and majority of them are all available via Amazon Prime!! Again, if you don’t have Amazon Prime, check it out. You get a ton of stuff with free 2 day shipping, and sometimes even free 1 day shipping! It’s crazy!

But back to the socks. Check them out!!

Sock Of the Week – Star Wars Dress socks

This week’s sock of the week is a new Star Wars sock from They sell a few different ones on and even have them via Amazon Prime!. If you don’t know what Amazon Prime is, for 99 bucks a year, that’s only $8.25 a month, you get free 2 day shipping on Prime products from amazon, and there are millions of them!! It’s a really great deal.

Well these socks are available via Prime, meaning you can get them in two days! They are some of the more subdued Star Wars dress socks I’ve found. They get the point across, that you like Star Wars, but yet aren’t over the top. My favorite are probably the X-wing fighter ones. At first someone might just think it’s a pattern, but the true Star Wars fan’s out there will know!!


They also have listed a yoda pair of socks, Darth Vader dress socks, The Empire dress socks, and Death Star socks! Decide for yourself which one you like the most. Prices range form 19.95 to 24.95, so not the cheapest socks out there but still within range for a select audience of Star War enthusiasts who want to dress up their socks and show off their fandom.

Click here to view the Star Wars Socks

Sock of the Week is Back!!

After a little break, sock of the week is back! And I found some AMAZING star wars socks and with it coming out tonight, what a better time to grab some! Stance has multiple types of star wars socks and they are some of the best ones I’ve seen. They are practical and look pretty comfy (look for a review once my pair come in!).

While I normally focus on crew socks since that is what I wear day to day, I also found some pretty awesome ankle high star wars socks. I couldn’t find either of these brands on Amazon Prime, but for 10 dollars for 5 pairs of star wars socks, you can’t beat it!

Look for next weeks sock of the week, I’m feeling mustaches!

Sock of the week: Darth Vader

No…I am your Father.

The classic line from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes back that not even the cast and crew new about! Only a select few on the set knew that line was coming and they say that Luke, played by Mark Hamill, didn’t even know so his scream “NOOOOOOOO!” was real.

But back to the socks!!

This weeks sock of the week is a pair of Darth Vader crew socks. These awesome socks are pretty cheap at $5.99, plus $3.38 shipping (sadly they are not Prime Eligiable). Total cost comes to $9.37 with shipping which is about average it seems for a descent pair of socks.

Amazon has a number of different Darth Vader socks to choose from, 5 to be exact. I like these the best as they show off vader on the side of the sock as opposed to some of the others, which have him on the bottom. This pair also has two stormtroopers behind vader, and without their inaccurate shooting, the movies wouldn’t be the same, so of course they have to be there!

I’ll be getting a pair of star wars socks soon and will be sure to post a review of the ones I get, to either recommend them or to avoid them.

If you like these socks, let me know! I know there are quite a few variations out there and if you like another pair better, please tell me!